travellers' tales
"Few lands are as beloved, mysterious, spiritual, or controversial as Tibet."
—from the anthology Travelers' Tales Tibet
From the flanks of Everest to the fabled city of Lhasa, Tibet is a guaranteed adventure—with the world's highest and roughest roads. Hang onto your seat—you could be in for a rough ride—
- The Lost Kingdom of Guge
- Rafting the Drigung
- Strolling Around the Barkhor by Alec Le Sueur
- In Search of the Blue Poppy
Can you travel back in time? Teleport yourself to another era? Well, why not...
THERE ARE TIMES, travelling, when you fall into extraordinary circumstances—doing things you couldn't even imagine you might be doing...
Picture shows the author (guess who) dressed up as British trooper, conscripted as an extra during the making of a Chinese propaganda movie about the 1904 British invasion of Tibet. You can read the full story in Heartlands: Travels in the Tibetan World, and also in Travelers' Tales Tibet.
![book cover](images/tt_tibet.gif)
Get hold of the anthology Travelers' Tales Tibet to read more than 25 inspiring true tales from the roof of the world. Writers include Pico Iyer, Peter Hessler, Wade Davis, Pamela Logan and Alec Le Sueur. Go to for details.
These rambling anthologies are like mosaics. Each piece might add only a single note of colour, but combine them and step back, and a rich and multifaceted portrait emerges. When told well, intimate little travel stories have a remarkable way of illuminating much larger worlds.
—John Flinn, San Francisco Chronicle
top7 lists
on the pilgrim wish-list
- Potala Palace, Lhasa
- Jokhang Temple, Lhasa
- Tashilhunpo, Shigatse
- The Kumbum, Gyantse
- Lake Namtso
- Sakya Gompa
- Mount Kailash kora
Notes: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was Greek-inspired and generated. The thousand-room Potala Palace would easily rival those—in the context of Wonders of the Eastern World. In their lifetime, Tibetan pilgrims aspire to reach the most sacred sites of the plateau. The 'list' is debatable: you might want to get to all seven wonders listed—just to witness pilgrim fervour.
from the Forbidden City
- Dalai Lama
- Tibetan independence
- Taiwan independence
- Falun Gong
- human rights
- democracy
- freedom
Notes: 'hot topics' means forbidden keywords scanned from the Forbidden City (Beijing) via the Great Firewall (Chinese internet blocking and monitoring). By coincidence, another forbidden topic is right at the doorstep of the Forbidden City: that taboo is Tiananmen Square, June 1989—about which any discussion is completely off-limits.
say what?
- peaceful liberation
- splittists
- Dalai clique
- imperialist foreign devils
- "progress, modernity and unity"
- that's a very reasonable price for a permit
- I'd love to have a mandatory Chinese tour guide who's never been to Tibet before please
Notes: Guidebooks are full of things you can't say in Tibet. This list tells you seven things you can safely say out loud. Some are more effective when shouted in a chant, preferably while waving a banner or large red flag. This list was contributed by Alec Le Sueur, author of The Hotel on the Roof of the World (Summersdale, UK).
in this lifetime or the next?
- because it's there
and coz u know u have to - because it's the most life-changing
place you'll experience in this lifetime - to smile with the Tibetans—
with all your heart and soul - to see the way the Chinese government
treats the Tibetans in their own country - to witness plastic palm trees and plastic
coconuts in the streets of Lhasa - to ask your official Chinese guide
to arrange a visit to Drapchi Prison - to tell Chinese tourists that
you admire the Dalai Lama
Notes: this list was contributed by Isabel Losada, author of A Beginner's Guide to Changing the World, a book about how one person can make a difference to a cause—the Tibetan cause.
why are we silent?
- compassion, as a guiding principle, is overrated
- what does it matter if a 5,000-year-old civilisation is destroyed?
- it's their karma
- I have lots of TV to watch
- support for Tibetans makes them dependent on Westerners
- there are lots of ineffective Tibet groups already
- "Tibet will always be part of China"
Notes: this list was contributed by Isabel Losada, author of A Beginner's Guide to Changing the World, a book about how one person can make a difference to a cause—the Tibetan cause.
got a wild travel tale to tell?
spill the beans, unwind the talk-tapes—
email the author
himmies757 (at)